Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Trusted link

After a communications session you might see a message that you have received a doc from a new trading partner. This means that TrustedLink did not recognize the sender, and created a new trading partner definition for it. view the raw ec data and identify it by its interchange id.

Rename it to something easy to recognize.

!!!!!If you will process documents using edi-to-flat file or flat file-to-edi mapping name is restricted to 12 characters!

Except for AS2 trading partners, request a trading partner send a document to you for testing. When you receive a document from a new trading partner, TrustedLink automatically creates a trading partner definition for you.

AS2 must be defined b4 trading.

Dos you receive from a trading partner are automatically added to the tl database, but all docs you send like an 810 must be defined.

Before sending or receiving documents in a production environment, you must assign one or more forms or maps to each document type you plan to exchange with a trading partner.

AS2 = edi over the Internet

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